Creative Insurgents Audio

Creative Insurgents Audio

Partnering with Pro Golf Shops to Sell Your Art | TAA#6

December 16, 2014

For more info:

:30 I talk about how I met Cassy & we introduce her

1:24 - Cassy talks about her philosophy & background behind her success as an artist

4:00 - Cassy & I talk about how to learn to get faster at painting, a necessary skill for professional artists

7:15 - Cassy talks about how artists who make slow, big work can speed up their sales schedule by managing their time making other activities easier

9:30 - How Cassy grew her prices to where they’re at now. Many of her sales come from direct to collector work. Cassy talks about changing pricing from per-square-inch to creating experience-based pricing.

15:20 - Golf courses and pro shops on golf courses carry a lot of Cassy’s work. She talks about her partnership with the Professional Golfers Association & Kohler Company. Cassy also talks about how much work it took to get that deal in place. She made dozens of phone calls and sent a bunch of emails to get the deal done.

22:50 - how Cassy interacts with her collectors. She talks about event invites, discounts, and social media interactions. She has a strong relationship with her collectors.

29:00 - the thrill of live painting in her workshop and having collectors see you do it. Being vulnerable is scary, but it’s a powerful way to connect with collectors.