The World and Everything In It

The World and Everything In It

1.10.23 Changes to House rules, and embryo adoption

January 10, 2023

New changes to the rules in the House of Representatives could affect how Congress conducts business; a new COVID variant is circulating in the country; and a story about a family that chose to adopt some frozen embryos. Plus: a wild goose chase, commentary from Steve West, and the Tuesday morning news

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Additional support comes from Frameworks: A Biblical Worldview Initiative. Online courses for public high school students - transferrable for elective credit. More at 

Pensacola Christian College. Empowering leaders to influence the world for Christ. More at 

Ambassadors Impact Network, an investing network that finances Christ-following entrepreneurs who demonstrate the gospel through their businesses. More at 

Mission Focused Men for Christ podcast. This month: helping men overcome a disordered life to stay better focused on honoring Jesus--that’s Mission Focused Men for Christ on your podcast app.