The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

Why You Should Follow Your Gut, and Not Your Head

November 15, 2016

Tipisode #11 -
Life sometimes forces us to make tough decisions in our careers. When this happens, the temptation can be to overthink things.  Our conscious, analytical brains take over and try to do the decision making.

Enter the "gut" feeling.  The subtle intuition that speaks to us from another place.  Where does the "gut" feeling come from?  Why doesn't our "gut" always agree with our head?  Why should we listen to our "gut"?

Believe it or not, there are scientific reasons why you should pay attention to those "gut" feelings. So before you talk yourself out of acting on that deep inclination you can't seem to shake, listen to this special tipisode of The Wondergroove Podcast.

Find out why your "gut" often knows better than your head.  Enjoy!


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