The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

Are You an Asset or a Liability? – Tipisode #6

September 07, 2016

Tipisode #6 -
Asset or liability?

How can one evaluate how well they are doing in their career? What do you use to decide whether your chosen course of action is working?  How can we tell if we are laying the groundwork for a career with longevity, or just spinning our wheels?

Unfortunately, your peers, co-workers, clients and employers won't always give you a straight answer on this.  It's human nature not to be entirely honest on these sorts of things.  After all, who wants to tell a co-worker or client that they are miserable to work with?

The simplest formula I have found is to honestly and consistently ask myself, "Am I being an asset, or a liability?"

It is a simple but profound question, and may very well be the difference between a mediocre career that ends prematurely, and a career that flourishes with longevity and purpose for a lifetime.

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