The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

#5 – Kermet Apio, Stand Up Comedian and Winner of the Great American Comedy Festival: Don’t take it personally. Remember to enjoy it!

August 02, 2016

Episode #5 -
Stand up comedian Kermet Apio is a native of Honolulu who has crafted a custom career in comedy that spans over 25 years.  He's done everything a stand up comedian can do in showbiz, including winning the Great American Comedy Festival.  I caught one of Kermet's sets at Brad Garret's Comedy Club in Las Vegas, and he impressed me with the ease and polish of his work...not to mention he's hilarious.

Kermet is an incredibly gracious and friendly guy, and he took some time out of his schedule to join me for an in depth conversation on what it takes to make it in the business.  We covered a wide range of topics, and Kermet had so much wisdom to share it's difficult to sum it up, but here are some of the highlights of our conversation:  the gift of breaking the 4th wall in comedy, not taking audience reaction personally, remembering to enjoy what you do, the value of sometimes being selective in the work that you accept, what makes stand up comedians tick, finding your own voice, and much more.  Enjoy!


Kermet's Website:


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