The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

The Wondergroove Podcast - How to Succeed in Show Business and in Life

Why You Should Change Your Definition of Success, and Those That Don’t Quit Get the Rewards. Tipisode #2

June 27, 2016

Tipisode #2 -
We often define success as a set of goals to be achieved, or as a certain level of achievement to be reached.  This way of looking at success can be detrimental to our progress, and crush our spirits.  Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden defined success in a much more meaningful and constructive way.  He should know.  He took UCLA to 10 national championships in 12 years.

Check out his philosophy at

As well as redefining success, it's crucial that one stay the course.  Don't quit. The modern generation expects things to happen overnight.  Show business careers are not built in months.  Careers are built slowly, over many years.  To achieve your goals, working hard every day has to become a lifestyle. Those that stay in the game get the rewards.  Listen to this episode to get coach John Wooden's take on success, and learn how you can apply it to your career in show business!