The Thin Blue Line Podcast

The Thin Blue Line Podcast

The Last Coyote (1995) Chapters 34 - 37

March 17, 2020

After Dr. Hinojos and Harry finish talking, Chief Irving joins Harry in his conference room. Chief Irving ask Bosch about the off the book investigation concerning his mother and if it could in any way be linked to the death of Pounds.

Bosch artfully answers Irving's question without disclosing the facts concerning Mittle and the computer searches how Bosch utilized Pounds identification to conduct them.

Irving informed Bosch that his story checked out because Irving called the numbers from Harry's notebook of Jasmine and McKittrick.

Enroute back to his home, Bosch explains to IAD Detective Tolliver to “Get out” of IAD, if not he would be a prisoner to Internal Affair because NO one would want to work with him due to his association with the unit.

Bosch also gets a call from Keshia Russell requesting a comment concerning a story she is running that points a finger at Bosch as being the “Prime Suspect” in the murderer of Lt. Ponds. Bosch convinces Russell that the story is a plant by Lt. Brockman in an attempt to smear him.

Upon arrival at his home, Bosch is confronted by building inspector Gowdy, stated that he was tipped off concerning activities related to the house. Gowdy then grants Bosch five minutes to retrieve any personal belongings before securing the premises and locking Bosch out.

Bosch decides to take up residence at a hotel he uses to stash witnesses. After unpacking, Bosch decided to follow up on an investigative lead concerning the reporter that wrote the story of Johnny Foxes death by a hit and run driver on or about September 30th, 1962.