The Teach Your Easy Podcast with Catherine Storing

The Teach Your Easy Podcast with Catherine Storing

32. How to Figure Who Your Audience is and What You Can Help Them With

March 18, 2020

You are probably working from home or working your way through your social distancing snacks... either way, I got you. Now that the Corona Virus has gifted you with ALL this time you might as well make the best of it by getting clearer about who you are supposed to be helping and what you should be helping them with. 
This quick training will help you get clear about your who (dream audience) and your what (your main course, offer, service or product). I also created a pretty visual aid to better help you understand my 10-Step Formula (the system I developed to Teach What You Know). You can request a FREE copy HERE. 
Then join my FREE Community so you can meet other amazing kingdompreurs, authors, coaches, and speakers here: 


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