The Stronger Revolution

The Stronger Revolution

Needed CrossFit to Reach His Goals

September 28, 2022

Our Athlete of the Month for September 2022 was Patrick Reilly. We sat down with him recently for an interview on the Strong Revolution Podcast. What stood out to us most was that Patrick didn’t always have the intensity we now know and respect him for.

Like most people, Patrick started his fitness journey in a big box gym. It was a non-CrossFit gym where he could come and go as he pleased. At the time, it was the most convenient for him. However, over time, he realized he getting to where he wanted to be. He wasn’t reaching his fitness goals. Usually, there are one of two reasons we fail to reach our fitness goals: lack of knowledge or lack of intensity. For Patrick, he knew what to do. He just couldn’t get there on his own.

Then, COVID-19 hit and shut down the world. Patrick no longer had to go into an office and his schedule became a little more flexible. This gave Patrick the ability to join a CrossFit gym. Turns out, that’s all he needed. Once in the supportive and goal focused environment of the CrossFit space, Patrick began to push past his plateaus. Today, he is setting and meeting goals regularly.

This is a story we hear from a lot of new members at Industrial Athletics. They had the motivation to get started with a fitness program on their own. However, a plateau set in and stopped upward progress. They come to Industrial Athletics looking for something new, something different, and something not boring. To hear more about Patrick and his journey, check out the episode.

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