The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

#1177: MM- Increasing Afternoon Energy

October 22, 2019

Do you ever have an afternoon crash? If so you’re not alone. This is Judy Gaman and this is your Stay Young medical minute.  It’s common for people to feel a lack of energy in the afternoon, something we often describe as a crash or “hitting the wall” so to speak. There’s a simple formula that can help keep you energized. First start with a healthy lunch. Eating high fat, sugary, or high carb lunches can lead to extreme fatigue within an hour or two. About 1:00 get up and go for a brisk walk. This will get the blood flowing and wake the brain back up. At 3pm have a light snack, like almonds or raw veggies. And perhaps the best advice I can give you is to get up and take screen breaks to prevent eye strain. This Stay Young Medical Minute is brought to you by Executive Medicine of Texas, a leader in preventative and proactive medicine. Learn why patients from around the globe trust Executive Medicine of Texas to their health. Visit that’s