The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

#1165: MM- Diet, Stroke, and Heart Disease Risk

September 25, 2019

Meat eaters, pescatarians, vegetarians, and vegans—listen up! This is Judy Gaman and this is your Stay Young medical minute.  A new study published in BMJ looked at correlations between diet and risk factors for stroke and ischemic heart disease, or IHD.  They put participants into three different groups: meat eaters, pescatarians (the only meat they eat is fish), and vegetarians or vegans (plant-based diet).  The researchers found that pescatarians had a 13% lower risk of developing IHD than meat eaters.  Vegetarians had a 22% lower risk!  Shocker, right?  But here’s where it gets interesting.  Vegetarians had a 20% higher risk for stroke.  In the past, studies have argued that stroke risks were lower in vegetarians, but they were only looking at death related strokes.  So, which is the best diet?  Maybe a little bit of everything in moderation.  This Stay Young Medical Minute is brought to you by Executive Medicine of Texas, a leader in preventative and proactive medicine. Learn why patients from around the globe trust Executive Medicine of Texas to their health. Visit that’s Thank you for listening to the Staying Young Medical Minute! With all the mixed messages on health, you need information that you can use and that you can trust. Listen in as the experts discuss all topics health related. It's time to STAY YOUNG and stay healthy! Each week we tackle a topic and often with leading scientists, best-selling authors, and even your favorite celebrities! As a listener of our show, your input is important to us. Please take a moment to fill out this quick survey so we can serve you better - For more information on The Staying Young Show, please visit our website at, and subscribe to the show in iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app. You can also reach out to our host, Judy Gaman on for book purchasing, and speaking opportunities in your area!