The Collectors Galaxy

The Collectors Galaxy

Collectors Galaxy 13: Bill McBride

March 23, 2016

The Collectors Galaxy podcast is making some changes! Get all the details on the new co-hosts and format in this week’s episode. Also on the show this week, we kick off the “Collectors Corner” segment with Bill McBride. Bill is one of the most famous collectors in the world, with over 60,000 Darth Vader related items, and he’s also on the verge of being added to the Guinness Book of World Records because of it! During the show Justin and Bill discuss his love for Star Wars, how he got into the hobby, and they also discuss how Bill’s collection has evolved over time. This is a great episode for new collectors who are looking to get started. Bill gives some great advice and details how he goes about adding things to his collection and what he looks for when buying new stuff. His answer will probably surprise you!