The Red Pill Report

The Red Pill Report

TRPR 214 – The Last Report 28 August 2020.

August 28, 2020

Andrew explains why he is getting off the wall. When a walking talking vagina came across his news feed as a gameshow host encouraging young teens to rub their vagina until something fantastic happens, then he knew that the city is lost, that it is past time to call a warning and time to help the few who want to, to shore up the foundations of their lives and to help them to “… ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls…” (Jeremiah 6:16).

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Singing ‘no riskier than talking’ for virus spread.

Police forces: ‘We won’t employ people who say men can’t become women’

9 in 10 Belgian medics support ‘after-birth abortion’

Euthanasia deaths rise in Canada with people citing ‘being a burden’

Netflix Fill Cuties. Do not watch

Netflix Big Mouth. Also do not watch.

First post on

Endings and beginnings

After hosting The Red Pill Report for nearly three years, last night I reached something of a crisis. I found myself watching a cartoon hosted by Netflix and aimed at young teens. It featured a walking talking vagina encouraging a young girl in bed to play with her private parts, to rub it until something fantastic happened. Add to this the soft pedophilic poon that Netflix now is hosting of eleven years old girls dressed up as sex objects and performing erotic dancing. 

This combined with watching much of the US burn. No, not the wildfires, they have been happening for thousands of years and are perfectly natural and apart from the mismanagement that they now have because of the “green movement.” there is no problem there. No, I am talking about the BLM inspired leftist anarchistic destruction on America. Add to all that the fact that the world, pushed by Bill Gates appears to be looking at changing the very DNS of… if they can do it, every single human being on the planet.

On top of this, this week I read that 9 out or 10 Belgian medics support ‘after-birth abortion.’ Out doctors, our child care doctors believe that it is just fine to kill your baby, or rather… they will kill it for you!

The total take over of the mainstream media by the “progressive” left, (for which read “regressive”). The tech giants pushing perversity on every side and banning the truth, designing science and the blatantly obvious. 

With this and much more, I felt the Lord was saying, “The city is lost, get off the wall, and preach to the few.” (And I think it is more than the secular society that is lost, a very great deal of the church is too. 

So. Here I am back on Bible Matters re-invigorating the site and preparing to launch back onto Bible teachi...