The Nowhere Dispatch

The Nowhere Dispatch

Episode 45 – Strange Medicine - Folk Magic in East Texas and the South

August 03, 2019

Some magic is born of necessity. Instead of a wand or staff, folks were more likely to use a forked twig or a piece of silverware. Instead of elaborate potions and elixirs, common people would use water, herbs and river stones. Instead of an ancient, leather-bound grimoire or tome, more people than you’d expect would look to the Holy Bible for spellwork.
This magic is as real to the people who practice it as making a phone call or bandaging a paper cut is to you or me. It’s been practiced since the dawn of humankind, it’s still practiced today and it’s been going on right here in East Texas from the very beginning.
In this episode, tune in to learn about the strange history of folk magic in East Texas and the South and some of the legends about these mysterious practices.