the nantucket project

the nantucket project

rp daily: a check on vaccine

July 10, 2020

today, tom and rp discuss the current state of covid-19; as states begin to reopen at different rates, discrepancies in the severity of the pandemic are more and more evident. they cover sweden’s failed “herd immunity” experiment, the speed of the vaccine’s development, and how likely it is for americans to want a vaccine in the first place. the fourth of july has passed, and after celebrations occurred across america, tom and rp ask how seriously many americans are taking the pandemic.

tom scott is chairman & co-founder of the nantucket project. rp eddy was the architect of the Clinton administration’s pandemic response framework and the United Nations response to the global AIDS epidemic & is CEO of global intelligence firm Ergo.

rp is co-author of the best-selling award-winning book Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes with Richard A. Clarke, Former National Security Council counterterrorism adviser.