

Our Disharmony w/ David Silverman & the "Atheist Movement"

October 24, 2019

It is no secret that individuals in the Atheist community have created harassment campaigns aimed at us, our events, our friends and partners. This has resulted in us turning away from that world and we have not looked back. David Silverman was arguably one of the most influential individuals that operated in the Atheist circles.

Post Mythcon IV, David joined the bandwagon and went on a crusade to publicly vilify us, our friends, our event and our partners while simultaneously promoting his own event as the antithesis of ours. As a principle, we do not engage publicly in this type of drama or respond to bad faith individuals.

We did not speak to David after his campaign against us. David was later accused of sexual misconduct and fired from his position as the leader of the American Atheists organization. We will be having a discussion with David about these allegations and whether or not his perceptions of the divide in Atheism have changed.