The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Episode 194: Dancing Your Way Through Trauma with Orit Krug

September 22, 2020

In this episode... Do you ever feel like the same issues are showing up in your relationship over and over again?  It could be based in some old trauma, and today’s guest Orit Krug, Dance Movement therapist shows us how dance can have the power to help us process and release old trauma,  and open us up to love in a brand new way. Quotable... “"The longer we hold onto trauma, then you can start to develop actual physical ailments." - Orit Krug Talk About It... Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question: What’s one way you would like to incorporate movement into your relationship? Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook Learn More... Every couple wants to have a great marriage, but most couples wind up in the Roommate Zone. We help couples break out of the Roommate Zone, so they can build a life, a love and a legacy together. Find out more at: Facebook Instagram Next Steps... Subscribe to the Legendary Marriage Podcast Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Join the Roommates to Soulmates Challenge Resources... 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages FREE Report Daily Check In Tool Episode Brought to you by... Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Roommates to Soulmates 5 Day Marriage Challenge at It’s fun, transformational, and you’ll find a tribe of people just like you, who are deeply committed to building a legendary marriage. Tags: #couplegoals #marriageissues # MarriageCounseling #Trauma #CouplesTherapy #Love #MarriageTips #Relationships #passion #parenting