The Introverted Believer

The Introverted Believer

14. Discipline Alternatives for Your Introverted Child

June 03, 2020


Introverted children are not easy to discipline. If they're feelers, they may be adept at emotional sabotage or withdraw for fear of getting hurt. If they're thinkers, they may try to outwit you or silently plot their next move.

Kids are clever, lest we forget and soak up knowledge like a sponge. Don’t ever underestimate your kids.


Have you ever gone stir crazy because your kids are completely okay with their behavior? Maybe your kid is an ISTJ and says, "Yeah, I pinched her. She broke the rules and there are consequences. You were in the shower, so I took care of it. I don't understand - is there a problem?" Or maybe their INFP's "Yeah, I pinched her. She was being a little jerk and I had to make sure she didn't touch my treasures ever again!"

You could say, "go to your room!" but they'd probably like that. Or you could demand they answer you right this minute, but chances are, they haven't had time to process what just happened. I want you listen to this episode (or read the blog) and consider these 4 alternatives to some legacy discipline that may not be working.

Hey, help the rest of the parents out - how have you helped your introverted kids see the consequences of their actions? Drop a comment in the blog or contact me at


About Kass

Kass Fogle is an award-winning author, speaker, blogger and podcaster. She has twenty years in Human Resources and holds two degrees and certifications in HR. When she’s not mind-mapping or list making, you can find her suffering at the local coffee-house meeting writing deadlines.

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