The Introverted Believer

The Introverted Believer

#08b Protecting the Sanctuary of Your Work and Personal Space

March 22, 2020

In this BONUS EPISODE, we discuss how to protect the sanctuary and individuality of your personal and working space when we’re suddenly thrown together during the COVID-19 epidemic.

There are a wide range of reactions to the suggestions, mandates, and information being hurled at us at a rapid pace. As Introverts, we really need MORE time and space than what we've been given to understand how this affects us, our families, our neighbors, our jobs, our economy, our children's education, and more.

Given this, it will be vitally important for Introverts to use their powers of self-awareness and dig deep for those resources and talents that make them uniquely qualified in this situation. You know where your awesomness lies and where you will need to rely on your loved ones as we come together in tight spaces to keep life moving. You might be the list-maker, and your spouse the visionary, or maybe you are the executor and your spouse is the meditator - there hasn't been a better opportunity for letting your talents surface.

My guest, Holly Cain has come up with a solution to help roommates, spouses, parents and children come together and make the most of this crazy situation.

RELATED: Find additional tips on coping with Personal Space Invasion by listening to this episode.

I think you're going to love this episode. Creating a Family Plan will help you stay organized and focused on what is important. It's full of ideas, tips, and encouragement. Here's a sample of what you will hear:

  • Having a plan limits decision fatigue
  • Having a plan limits isolation- your extrovert people need you too!
  • Having a plan sets boundaries in unknown territory
  • Having a plan gives kids a structure that makes them feel safe in turbulent times
  • Having a plan help relieve additional anxiety in an already chaotic time
  • Having a plan gives you goals to strive for when you might feel purposeless

I've created some awesome resources for you during this time. Here are some resources that might help:

Deep Cleaning Checklist

One Week Meal Plan

CDC on Managing Stress and Anxiety

Also, in this episode:

  • Tips for keeping creating and maintaining structure
  • How to establish boundaries with your spouse/roommate
  • Accept the challenge!






About Kass

Kass Fogle is an award-winning author, speaker, blogger and podcaster. She has twenty years in Human Resources and holds two degrees and certifications in HR. When she’s not mind-mapping or list making, you can find her suffering at the local coffee-house meeting writing deadlines.

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