The Introverted Believer

The Introverted Believer

Episode 06: How Introverted Thinkers and Feelers Approach Conflict Resolution

February 11, 2020

Approaching Conflict Resolution for Introverted Thinkers and Feelers


I'm glad you're joining me for this episode. I love the differences between Thinkers and Feelers and wish I could dedicated more time to studying how they approach life. In this episode, I share some of my experiences with how Thinkers and Feelers have successfully and unsuccessfully approached conflict and how to look toward a peaceable solution, which is biblical and not a personal or consensus solution, which are not always biblical (pride goeth before a fall).


Why Does it Matter? (:30)

  • Conflict is everywhere - church, work, our homes and SOCIAL MEDIA. Yikes!
  • Our approach matters - It's a timeless expectation to want a winner and loser
  • As Introverted Believers, we are called to think and feel differently

The Approach (3:00)

Introverted Thinkers are fact driven and can separate the situation from the person.

Not surprisingly, Introverted Feelers are driven by values and human outcomes.

Is it any wonder why arguments arise from conflict?

The Antidote (5:20)

Work Toward a Peaceable Solution (6:15)

Instead of right and wrong as a thinker and instead of consensus as a feeler, approach conflict with peace as the end game.

Romans 12:9-21 instructs us to put ourselves - our sense of what should or shouldn't be aside, and work toward peace.

Thinkers would do well to consider values and the contributions of others as a data point and Feelers would do well to temper feelings with ideas.


Accept that Resolution Requires Thinking AND Feeling (9:30)

Truth with kindness. Simple, yet not. The truth without kindness is robotic and kindness without truth is a fairy tale. A healthy resolution requires by thinking and feeling. It requires John 3:16 AND 17-21.


Summary (12:25)

Bearing one another means we are vested in figuring out how we'll work together. When we're not at our best, we gossip and complain, but as Introverted Believers, we are called to listen and forgive. And it's not exactly a suggestion.

About Kass

Kass Fogle is an award-winning author, speaker, blogger and podcaster. She has twenty years in Human Resources and holds two degrees and certifications in HR. When she’s not mind-mapping or list making, you can find her suffering at the local coffee-house meeting writing deadlines.


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