The Holy F*ck Podcast

The Holy F*ck Podcast

S3 Ep11 Tempted to Freak

September 23, 2020

Have you ever been tempted to do something you’ll really regret?

Yet secretly hoping someone will save you from yourself?

Which one of the gals is in trouble NOW?

Hello, Pattern my old friend… it’s good to see you once again!

Two Gals Soul School is in SESSION! Season 3 has been full of insights + laughs. What an amazing platform to share our lives, our growths, and transformations.

You just might want to take a trip down HFP memory lane and listen to Seasons 1 & 2 to see just how far our Two Gals have come.

Patterns. We’ve all got them. Those stories that sit below the surface and creep up when our buttons are pushed or are triggered in some way. They’re those seeds that have spent years growing and don’t just go away if you trim them back. You have to get to the root.

For one of the Gals, feelings of abandonment, not feeling good or important enough have been themes with more than one past relationship and now in her current one. When these beliefs get triggered, what are we left to do? Fight. Flight. Freeze. Faint.

Which Genie is waiting to be released from the bottle and ready to come out? Which Gal needs to get rubbed the right way to have her needs met?

Making mutual agreements are the touchstone of partnerships. We are all faced with choice points and deal conversations, in order for each person to be respected for who they are and what they need.

But all of this can bring up fears, resentments, and shaky twisty little traps.

Do you think our Gal in question was able to stay away from the Rabbit Hole or did she tumble down it, like Alice? Tune in to listen to the light bulb moments and to hear if our Gal is still on the edge of the cliff.

We love you all,

As always, Spread the Love.