The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Authenticity, Bravery, Connection – Michelle Kuei

December 15, 2020

Authenticity, Bravery, and Connection are what Michelle lives to teach.

Michelle Kuei is a certified confidence & leadership coach who helps leaders to upgrade the internal narratives and inspires them to fearlessly unleash true personal freedom in a fulfilling personal and professional life. By helping her clients redirect their fears, skillfully use their energy, and live with confidence and purpose, Michelle manifests happiness, authenticity, and personal freedom. Additionally, she co-creates with her clients to discover their inner strength and beauty. And, that enables them to be heard, seen, and known. 

Michelle is the author of the new memoir, Perfectly Normal-an immigrant’s story of making it in America, as well as the inspirational illustrated e-book, “Miss Little Musical.” She is a board member of the United Nations Association of the USA Pasadena Chapter, Clinical Pharmacist at USC’s Keck Medical Center and Associate at the Associated Patient Advocates. She is also a member of the National Speakers Association, Area Director of Toastmasters International at District 100. 

As the founder of Elevate Life Coaching, a seminar and coaching company, Michelle is also the host of the podcast “Perfectly Normal” and a weekly live Facebook show “Monday Coffee Talk.” (In case you’re curious, I’m on episode 48.) She’s an experienced professional speaker and highly requested guest to international podcast interviews. 

In her leisure time, Michelle travels the world, most recently to Siem Reap, Cambodia, where she volunteered as an English teacher at a nonprofit elementary school. She is also an avid hiker, photographer, and painter whose watercolors/oil paintings exhibited at the Beyond The Lines Gallery in Santa Monica, California. Michelle was born in Taiwan and grew up in New York, but today she lives in Los Angeles with a short-haired brown tabby cat named Buster. If you’re looking for her, the odds are good you’ll find her at the gym.

Ideas covered in this episode:

* How Michelle became her own Life Coach* Michelle’s story of self-transformation* A razor blade and a question* Time to do something* Social Media for self-shame or self-inspiration* Authenticity, Bravery, and Connection* The power of a personal trainer* Machu Picchu* Only you can call upon the hero inside you* Michelle’s client’s transformation* Michelle’s vision of foxy

Connect with Michelle in the follow places: 




