Down To Earth with Harriet Cammock

Down To Earth with Harriet Cammock

Down to Earth With Harriet Cammock - Surviving As A Freelancer

October 24, 2019

Today's American economy is characterized by a tight labor market whereby employers require strict qualifications (advanced degrees, years on years of experience, good credit scores, and -- in some cases -- minimal student loan debt) for menial, entry-level positions that provide no health benefits, retirement policies, or room for advancement. As a result, many folks have turned to freelancing, or selling services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer, in order to earn income.

The thing is, everyone is experiencing this tight labor market at the same time, and as a consequence, almost everyone does some amount of freelancing on the side -- even when they have traditional jobs. Thus, freelancers find themselves competing with other freelancers in what is becoming a very crowded freelancing landscape.

How, then, does your typical freelancer earn viable, sustainable, and consistent income in this packed freelancing market? Tune in to find out what Harriet -- who has freelanced for the better part of the past 10 years -- has to say.