The Expectful Podcast

The Expectful Podcast

Career, Self-Care, and Motherhood with Jackie Hodnichak

November 21, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes How can we make the transition back to work more supportive for new moms?
That challenge is something that today’s guest, Jackie Hodnichak, has been working to solve as a new mom and the Director of Operations and Community at Mettacool. Mettacool is a talent development program for women that addresses career stage-specific challenges through the lens of well-being. And one of the things they specialize in is coaching moms-to-be as they transition both into maternity leave and back to work.
On today’s episode Jackie shares her perspective-shifting postpartum story, talks about how her self-care routine has changed since becoming a mom, and digs into how motherhood has had a profound effect on her career path.