The Expectful Podcast

The Expectful Podcast

Anna’s Birth, Postpartum & Second Child Story

October 10, 2019

Reading Time: 4 minutes There have been many surprises along this path towards welcoming my second child Atticus into the world.
Many of which caught me off guard, like:
When I said “It’s a girl” they told me “It’s a boy.”
When I said there’s no way my nausea could be worse than my first pregnancy, I was curled up in a ball for weeks.
And when they said birth would for sure be faster, it went slower, like twice as long slower.
But there have also been some pleasant surprises as well, many of which I share today on the podcast.
And of course, as with any motherhood journey there have been many, many life lessons.
Lessons in the power of support, my body’s wisdom and listening to my intuition.
And more than ever, lessons in love.
In love’s ability to grow and expand, for myself, my daughter, my son and my husband.
This motherhood journey has been nothing short of eye-opening and I’m so honored to be on it with all of you.