The English Express Morning Show

The English Express Morning Show

Trump News, Crazy Protesters, & New Trump Moth

January 26, 2017

So, Donald Trump is officially the new 45th president of the United States, and not everyone is happy about it! In an effort to educate people who might only be watching what is happening in America from afar, we begin today of the English Express Radio Program with some interesting facts about the inaguartion, and we hear from some of those people who are less than happy. Download the 30 minute audio file right now, and let us know what you think!

We play a few sound bites from Ashley Judd who believes Trump is Hitler incarnate, Madonna wants to blow up the white house, and Sally Boynton Brown is in the running to be the new chairman of the Democratic Party. This is an interesting one, because at the present moment the Democrats have virtually no power in America, and they're in a rebuilding phase. If you have never heard of this woman, you have to listen because she is... C-R-A-Z-Y, and we play you some of her insanity here today and help you understand it.

Then we finish with Trump's ex wife looking for free haircuts, and a new moth named after Trump! We hope you enjoy listening to the show! Cliff & Brandon are radio talk show hosts from Sacramento, California. See you again with a new show next week.