God, Sex & You!

God, Sex & You!

Why Can Jesus Set Others Free From Pornography, But Not Me

October 29, 2020

Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. -Galatians 5:1 MSG Have you ever thought to yourself, that Christ has indeed forgiven others…and he has forgiven me….except for this one thing. I mean how could God forgive me for that? (whatever that may be). Maybe it was something you did or maybe it was something that was done to you….regardless of what it is….there’s a voice deep down inside of you telling you that, whatever that thing is….it’s unforgivable. You tell yourself that Jesus has forgiven others, but He can’t forgive me. I’ve heard that, I’ve said that and believed that lie for many years of my own life. It kept me bound up in silence and shame for over 20 years. And now I hear that same exact lie from other men and women. It’s amazing…shame and the demonic spiritual world don’t have any new tricks. They spew the same lies to all of humanity, and they’ve been doing exactly that since The Fall. So what do you do when you hear that lie of unworthiness? The only thing to do is replace the lie with Truth…the truth of Galatians 5 - that Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. Another lie that we tend to believe is that Jesus can set others free from the bondage of pornography, but not me. I’ve been looking too long, I live a secret life, it would hurt my family too much if they found out, I would lose my job, my Church, my ministry. So we continue to believe that lie and step back into a self-imposed prison filled with shame by voluntarily putting that harness of slavery of pornography around our neck. Is it true? That Jesus can set others free from the bondage of pornography, except me. Well, my guest today has a lot to say regarding that question. Guest: Stephen Kuhn Book: 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn Website: http://www.beltoftruth.com