The Crane Crew Podcast

The Crane Crew Podcast

Let’s Talk About Self-Awareness

January 17, 2019

This is season 1, episode 3 and in today's episode we'll talk all about self-awareness.

In previous episodes we talked a little bit about self-awareness and understand that is not something that can just be explained or taught how to achieve it within a couple of episodes or a couple of sessions.

Self-awareness is holistic in which you reach a state of understanding where you realize that everything is connected and it exists in harmony, there is nothing new invented, everything imitates nature. From Artificial lighting imitating the sun to the internet itself imitating our collective consciousness.
In the concept of a higher consciousness it's clear the relationship between faith and belief and the possibility that there is always another explanation. Proof of the existence of a higher power.

According to ancient doctrines in Hindu Sanskrit, higher consciousness is the part of the human being that is capable of transcending animal instincts. That which makes us human, the God particle for some, other-worldly DNA for others; unnatural by the very definition. What other species on Earth has had the ability to terra-form its environment to suit its needs? Let’s face it, humans in general are unnatural and go against natural laws. We are the only ones who are constantly looking for ways to defy nature, extend our lifespan, if it doesn’t conform to us, eradicate it or build over it.

I'm not talking about real specific religion or specific religious beliefs that which, if you observe, most of them have the same basic concepts: be nice to each other, don't commit murder, don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal -- providing a mold of the ideal human being.
It’s important to notice that faith is important, it is imperative to believe in something because he who believes in nothing will fall for anything. There is a direct correlation between ignorance and fear. The more you know, the more you understand, and the less will things impress you or scare you; and the grandest fear that will always haunt humankind is fear of the unknown. Death, ghosts, aliens, monsters, other dimensions. Don’t be so quick to dismiss anything that sounds extraordinary or incredible. Our universe is filled with things we don’t understand. Rather keep your mind open and prepare yourself for the possibility of “what if?” What if every story has a grain of truth and it became a story because reality was too frightening, or it was exaggerated a bit to be memorable not to be deceptive. Consider the idea that just maybe -- not all monsters, aliens, or ghosts are evil; just as much as not all humans are good. Maybe ghosts do exist and they’re simply angry, faithless people that refuse to accept the fact that they’re no longer welcomed here… can the same be said about the behavior of some people we know living today? That is not a coincidence.

If you take one thing from this episode with you today, let it be this: concerning the possibility of an afterlife, consider that maybe every religion within its core is right. And the true reality is that whatever the person believed in life, so shall it be in death. So if I believe in reincarnation and that soul mates exist, and angels and demons are real, then that’s what will be. And if you believe that after life there’s nothing but eternal darkness, then that will be true to you. I know this took an unexpected serious tone, but it is important for me to impress upon you the importance of faith. I’m not suggesting you run into the first church you see and memorize all the books and share fake smiles with everyone around you. No, what I mean is for you to go out and learn the truth; even if you are already part of a church, continue to learn elsewhere. Not one religion is completely right, and I base my assumption on the fact that every religion is driven by people ...