PCMag - The Convo with Evan Dashevsky

PCMag - The Convo with Evan Dashevsky

Latest Episodes

Director of Columbia University's Creative Machines Lab, DR. HOD LIPSON
February 21, 2017

The Creative Machines Lab's goal is to create robots that are self-aware, self-replicating, and creative. We speak with the program's director, Dr. Hod Lipson about his work creating robots that can learn on their own, evolve over time without any...

Adult Video Entrepreneur JOANNA ANGEL (From the Archives)
February 15, 2017

We talked to adult video entrepreneur and all-around badass Joanna Angel about how content makers can survive in the digital age.

Robot ethicist DR. KATE DARLING
February 14, 2017

MIT Media Lab researcher Dr. Kate Darling stopped by the studio with her dino-bot (Mr. Spaghetti) to talk about the ethics of how new robot friends, what rights robots have, and what are the ethics surrounding sex bots. Plus, watch as Mr. Spaghetti...

Hank T. Greely
February 13, 2017

We spoke with Stanford Law professor Henry T. Greely about his new book The End of Sex, which predicts the end of procreational sex and the rise of designer babies in as early as 20 years.

Dava Newman
February 13, 2017

We spoke with NASA deputy administrator Dava Newman about how humans will get to Mars.

Richard Garriott (AKA "Lord British")
February 03, 2017

Richard Garriott (AKA "Lord British:"), the video game pioneer behind the Ultima series reflects on the industry he helped create and his many non-game adventures including his time as a private space tourist who spent two weeks orbiting the Earth. We...

Neil deGrasse Tyson
February 03, 2017

The world's favorite astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson stopped by for a super-sized Convo to talk about science, politics, education, his Twitter beef with the rapper B.O.B., if there will be another season of Cosmos, the multiverse (and "the...

Sean Carroll
February 03, 2017

We talked with theoretical physicist Sean Carroll about his fascinating non-fiction book The Big Picture, the meaning of life, and how the universe works at its most fundamental level. You know, the little things.

Mike Massimino
February 03, 2017

Former astronaut Mike Massimino dropped by our studios to talk about his new memoir, Spaceman, as well as what it's like to actually travel to space and work there (including all the gross and painful stuff you don't hear about).

Michael Shermer
February 03, 2017

We talked with author (The Moral Arc, among others) and founder of The Skeptics Society, Michael Shermer about immortality, UFOs, and how technology has made us the most moral society in history.