The Christian Rebel

The Christian Rebel

Latest Episodes

The Proverbial Truth: Day 9
January 09, 2023

Wow, I cant believe we mad it to day nine. I am so glad I decided to read a chapter a day for 31 days. I have learned a lot from reading through the book of Proverbs. I hope you have learned a lot also. I hope and pray you are or have begun to follow wha

The Proverbial Truth: Day 8
January 08, 2023

Yup, we made to day 8. I am enjoying and have decided that I am going to this challenge once a year and read through the books of Proverbs in a month.Chapter 8 is about wisdoms call. When we read Gods word I believe it is calling to us to li

The Proverbial Truth: Day 7
January 07, 2023

It is day 7 of reading through the book of Proverbs. I have learned a lot. I hope and pray you have learned a lot also and have embraced wisdom.We will be reading from chapter 7 of Proverbs which gives us a warning against the adulterous woman

The Proverbial Truth: Day 6
January 06, 2023

How are you doing in your reading through the book of Proverbs. I hope and pray you are learning a lot and you are embracing wisdom. Pray each day before you read each chapter for understandingAlright, lets read chapter 6 that is filled with w

The Proverbial Truth: Day 5
January 05, 2023

What an awesome journey this has been in reading through the book of Proverbs. We have made it to day 5.Lets read chapter 5 which it is warning against adultery.This chapter is very clear about adultery. We need to remain faithful to

The Proverbial Truth: Day 4
January 04, 2023

Alright, it is day 4 of reading through the book of proverbs. I hope and pray you embrace wisdom and follow Christ.Lets dive into chapter 4 which is about getting wisdom at any cost.When we listen to God and not forsake his teaching we

The Proverbial Truth: Day 3
January 03, 2023

This is awesome we have made to day 3 of reading through the book of proverbs. I hope and pray you embrace wisdom and follow Christ.Lets dive into chapter 3 which is about wisdom will give us well-being.There is a lot we can learn from

The Proverbial Truth: Day 2
January 02, 2023

Alright, it is day 2 of reading through the book of proverbs. I hope and pray you embrace wisdom and follow Christ.Lets dive into chapter 2 which is about the moral benefits of wisdom.There is a lot of good morals that this chapter has giv

The Proverbial Truth: Day 1
January 01, 2023

With the new year under way I thought I would take on reading a chapter of Proverbs every day for the next 31 days. I thought I would invite you to go along with me.The book of Proverbs is a great book in the Bible full of wisdom that we can u

Don't Leave Our Savior In A Feeding Trough!
December 22, 2022

With this weeks episode, I was at a lost on what to talk about. I did a search through my Bible and prayed. While praying I started thinking about Christmas and boom the idea for this weeks podcast started forming.So we are going about Jesus