The Christian Rebel

The Christian Rebel

The Proverbial Truth: Day 21

January 21, 2023
It is day 21 of reading through the book of proverbs. I hope that all of you are have an awesome day. Before we begin, let us that God for the wisdom that is in his book. We can learn so much from reading the Bible. We should set time every day to read our bibles and pray.

Today we will be reading chapter 21.

As I said before about setting time each day to read his word. How many of us can say that we spend time with God? I hope all us are taking that time gain in wisdom and knowledge when we read the good book.

You know in reading through the book of proverbs, it has challenged me. It has showed me that I need to take more time in reading my bible.

I urge you too finish reading the book of proverbs with me. Also, I plead with you that you open your bibles and pray each and and every day.

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