The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

BLSA Podcast: Annie Chan and Olivia Carter – Learning Another Language

March 22, 2023

Perhaps the most striking thing about living in Toronto is that one is constantly exposed to unfamiliar languages and cultural expressions in almost all public contexts. Whether you are a lifelong Torontonian who speaks fluent English or a newcomer with any number of other languages at your disposal, it is a regular experience to not understand a conversation overheard on the subway ride to work, or to have to ask your restaurant server to explain unrecognized items on your menu. Myriad diverse cultures swirl and mingle in a million different ways in Toronto each day, and while it can be challenging to jump into the flux, the richness and vibrancy of life here more than compensates for the effort.

Braemar College attracts language teachers who live and breathe this interculturalism. They share their passion and expertise in language learning with students from literally dozens of language backgrounds. We’re lucky to have educators like Annie Chan and Olivia Carter on staff, communicating both the structures and the spirit of language learning to young people whose world is made more available and vibrant by their increasing ability to address themselves to it.

In this episode, Annie and Olivia shared their experiences as veteran language teachers with years of educational development in multiple countries and contexts to learn. We find out about the challenges and joys of learning another language from both student and teacher perspectives and discuss ways in which language teaching may continue to evolve in the future. This episode will rejuvenate and enliven anyone hoping to connect more fully with their world through language.

If you’d like to learn more about some of the specific ideas discussed in this episode, you can use the links below as a starting point:

Jamaican Patois

The Open University: “The History of the English, in 10 Minutes”

Sadhguru – Isha Schools: “English as a Passport to the World”

Tim Ferris – How to Learn Any Language in 3 Months

12 Strategies for Language Learning

Chinese English Learning Industry

Immersion Learning


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