That Car Podcast: Cars + Entrepreneurship From The Driver's Seat!

That Car Podcast: Cars + Entrepreneurship From The Driver's Seat!

TCP 003: Channeling Obsession with Matt Moreman, Founder of Obsessed Garage

August 13, 2016

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In this episode, you’ll get a chance to meet one of the most interesting and detail-oriented car enthusiasts on YouTube. Matt Moreman is the founder of Obsessed Garage and is building a lifestyle brand for car enthusiasts and gear-heads alike. Over the past few years he has amassed over 21,000 followers on his YouTube Channel and he’s just getting started.

In addition to talking about some of his incredible cars, Matt also is an expert-level auto detailer and shares his love of DIY projects and hobbies with his audience on a weekly basis through YouTube and his personal website,
This episode is very introspective and we spend a good chunk of time diving deep into the man behind the garage to help set the stage for a fun and lively conversation about Matt’s cars (Porsche 911 GT3, BMW M3) and we discuss several trends in the enthusiast automotive space. We also help out a friend who’s looking for recommendations on a fun weekend car.

In this episode you’ll learn:

* Why Matt started Obsessed Garage [5:52]
* The good advice his therapist gave him that helped set the stage for success on YouTube [8:15]
* Why it’s important to be authentic and “real” in growing a personal brand [16:45]
* Matt’s perspective being a Christian while also being a car enthusiast [26:38]
* How Matt balances his passion for Obsessed Garage with his family and kids [30:00]
* Why a car’s personality matters as an enthusiast owner [35:31]
* Where Matt thinks BMW’s M-division is headed [37:50]
* What it’s like hitting 9,000 RPM in the GT3 [49:51]
* What fun weekend cars Matt would recommend for a friend with a $50k budget [1:00:01]

A Few Things

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