Christopher di

Christopher di

Latest Episodes

Ending School Shootings once and for all – A Simple 3-Step Plan
December 17, 2012

As I wrote the other day in "Gun-Free Zones Kill Kids" there is a very simple way to end school shootings once and for all.  We as a people are simply too cowardly to face that reality because it offends our delicate sensibilities. We think we're "above

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of the Connecticut school shooting
December 16, 2012

Friday's school shooting is a tragedy of unprecedented proportion.  The horror of this mass murder is felt across the world, and I'm hardly alone in expressing my shock and horror at what a single madman did. Authorities in Connecticut released the name

Gun-Free Zones Kill Kids
December 15, 2012

Before I go any further, I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of every child and adult who was so senselessly murdered yesterday.  My most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to every one of those families. All day Friday the news

Thug RCMP Constable Geoff Mantler suddenly pleads guilty?
December 06, 2012

When it comes to police brutality cases I don’t surprise easy.  So often they are pathetically predictable. Today, however, I was shocked to see Kelowna thug and RCMP Constable Geoff Mantler suddenly changed his plea to guilty. This sad excuse for a

When Compliance with the Nanny State is More Important than Education
December 06, 2012

Andrea Hernandez just wants to get an education.  She is, by all accounts I can find, a good student.  She’s also a human being who understands we must never allow ourselves to be tracked like pieces of meat in a grocery store. Andrea Hernandez deci.
