

Fitness Insight Podcast | Understanding Physique Competitions

April 27, 2015

Understanding Physique Competitions

The sport of bodybuilding has evolved since the days of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno and Lee Haney to include more specialized categories including: bodybuilding and physique for men (and physique, fitness, figure, bodybuilding and bikini for women). Against popular belief it takes more than just exercise and nutrition to significantly change the body to develop muscle mass, minimize structural flaws, create total body proportions and overall balance and symmetry. It takes mental and emotional toughness and the ability to stay focused amongst a sea of distractions from friends, family members ... in addition to the pressures of everyday life.
In this week’s episode of the Fitness Insight podcast, Jamie Atlas ( and Andrea Oh ( get to put Pharoah Kafele ( in the hot seat as they ask him about his recent experiences competing in the 2015 NPC Axis Labs Northern Colorado Championships as he gets ready for his next competition in Chicago this summer. We discuss topics that help us better understand the sport of bodybuilding and physique competitions, what it takes to be a contender, the important role nutrition plays, and what may spur people to want to venture down this path. Pharoah talks about his previous competitions, what he's learned about the process and about himself, and how he's also assisted others who have had a goal to compete in one of these competitions. Finally, he gives advice to others who are considering a competition down the road so they can be successful.
To meet the cast of the Fitness Insight podcast, click here.
The Fitness Insight podcast is available on iTunes and can be accessed here.
Written by TodaysFitnessTrainer (