TForce GG - A General Gaming Podcast

TForce GG - A General Gaming Podcast

TForce GG - Episode 187: Applecast

November 26, 2019

I'd like to think we provide a unique service to our listeners.
Is it talking about video games? No. Lots of podcasts do that. And we rarely actually talk about video games.
No. We talk about apples. Is it apples you want? Apples we got.
We also test drive sketchy new hardware. Interested in Stadia but don't wanna pull the trigger? We got your back.
Apples and bad Google launches. We're your podcast for that. 
Follow us on Twitter @tforcegg 
Also @phokal @thesnagglewolf @Nelbium @SirJesterful @Punchinjello @MeriMayhem
Or reach us by email:
Intro: A Snagglewolf Original
Outro: Pokemon Sword & Shield Theme (Toby Fox)