The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Latest Episodes

'Stone Chiseler Sunday' Chapter 1 of My New Book 'The Stone Chiseler'
August 14, 2022

'Stone Chiseler Sunday' Chapter 1 of My New Book 'The Stone Chiseler'

August 12, 2022 I Why I Haven’t Had a Drink In 4 Years and What I’ve Learned
August 12, 2022

So about 4 years ago I decided to abrogate drinking from my life altogether. It was a huge step. I come from a family of drinkers. We Wrights love to throw back cold beers and have a good time. Howeve

Do You Believe in God? Why? Who is Jesus?
August 09, 2022

Do You Believe in God? Why? Who is Jesus?

August 5, 2022 Improve Your Focus Always in ALL Ways With a Word From Dr. Andrew Humberman
August 05, 2022

For complete Huberman episode referenced in this episode click below Winter, 1914. The Belgium landscape looked like the haunted forest from a childs nightmare. Once-verdant vegetation and trees

Improve Your Chances of Becoming a Millionaire Always in ALL Ways
August 01, 2022

Improve Your Chances of Becoming a Millionaire Always in ALL Ways

July 29, 2022 Best Friday Ever #BFE With John Landes. Pickleball, Monkeypox, Recession and The Happiest Kingdom on Earth
July 29, 2022

The Happiness Index Bhutan (The Happy Kingdom) Pickleball After playing golf one Saturday during the summer, Joel Pritchard, congressman from Washington State and Bill Bell, successful businessman, re

July 26, 20022 -The Mindset of a Champion With Former Major League Baseball Player and Founder of Major League Mindset Brandon Guyer
July 25, 2022

This conversation could have gone on for hours. Brandon Guyer speaks the language of excellence with perfect articulation. A guy who exudes what Dr. Carol Dweck calls a growth mindset, Brandon has sho

July 22, 2022 'Best Friday Ever' Finding Your Way Through the Valley, Exercise and its Impact on Death of ANY kind
July 22, 2022

July 22, 2022 'Best Friday Ever' Finding Your Way Through the Valley, Exercise and its Impact on Death of ANY kind

July 19, 2022 Battling Demons, Losing a Battle but Determined to Win The War. The Rise, Fall and Courageous Comeback of Dr. Dan Crawford
July 18, 2022

So a year or so ago Im introduced to Dr. Dan Crawford. Hes the dynamic, Cajun tattooed principal of one of the largest high schools in East Texas. The kids love him. His social media is prolific wit

Eliminating Regret and Moving From Your Actual Self to You Ideal Self
July 15, 2022

Im currently finishing up Daniel Pinks book, The Power of Regret. It had been an eye opener. As someone who wants to eliminate as much regret as possible, the book has proven very useful. We have
