The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

One of the Greatest Stories of Redemption and Perseverance You'll Ever Hear-The Ray Lamb Story

July 20, 2021

Ray Lamb-Episode 86 of The Jason Wright Show

Ray Lamb is a special individual. It was an honor to get to listen to his heroes journey of the ups, downs, tragedies, perseverance and redemption that has defined his life. In this episode you will get to learn what “never give up” really means. You will also hear from a man who has worked his tail off to achieve the heights of professional and financial success only to come up empty inside.

However, now Ray Lamb knows what really matters in life. His life revolves around God, family, and most certainly his grandson. This is a great story you will want to sit down and digest completely. It’s full of practical lessons learned and battles fought as well as lost, but in the end survived.

You can learn a lot from storms. They have a purpose, and without them rainbows have no meaning. From There to Here is an inspiring and candid story about one man’s journey through life—from a child who met his parents at age 7 and found himself living alone at age 15 to becoming a PGA golf professional flying around in private jets to finally finding peace as an endurance mountain bike racer sleeping soaking wet on the ground in the middle of some of the most remote country in North America. It’s a story about being lost and never really knowing that you were, a story of how a bike and a grandson can change one’s life forever. It will make you rethink who you are and how you came to be that person. You will laugh, you will cry, but in the end, perhaps you may find what he found.

From There To Here By Ray Lamb

More About RayWilliam R. Lamb took up mountain biking at the age of 53, and four years later he completed the Tour Divide, a 3,000-mile mountain bike endurance race in the wilderness from Banff , Canada, to Mexico. It was an adventure that, combined with the birth of his youngest grandson, changed his life forever and inspired him to write this book about his life. William currently serves as a professor in the Lifetime Fitness department at Baylor University. He has a wife, three sons, and four grandchildren, all of whom he loves dearly. Most of all, he believes Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and he wants others to know of God’s salvation through Christ, His Son.

PGA golf and teaching professional, teaching golf for the past 26 years. I’ve had 32 students win individual state championships and 34 teams win state team championships. Over 400 of my students have played collegiate golf. Ive authored 4 golf books and 1 cycling book. Although I still teach golf, I now also teach cycling and mountain biking at Baylor and MCC. I started a new bicycling company this year, Lets Bike and I race mountain bikes full time across the U S. Last year I raced the Leadville 100, the Whiskey 50, 24 hours at Rocky Hill, the San Jaun 200 (won), Mountain Bike nationals in Idaho, the Texas TMBRA series, as well as many others. Cycling is my passion but golf is still my profession!