Terror Transmission

Terror Transmission

EP97: Alien

July 31, 2013

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You have received a transmission of unknown origin. The course of your journey has been interrupted for three hours in the darkness of space, in which no one can hear you scream. Your special order is to return with our commentary on 1979's Alien. All other priorities are rescinded as your handsome hosts celebrate Terror Transmission's 4th anniversary. You'll also have plenty of time before the emergency destruct system reaches zero to enjoy film background, misunderstood genius, movie tech vs. modern-day tech, science fiction's influence on actual tech, machine vs. man vs. monster, "face hugging", Matt Meets The Plush Godzilla, token vs. token, dictator directors, comparison to Aliens and other primordial pustulence. This is Matt and Jason, signing off. -- www.terrortransmission.com -- www.purgingtalon.com