Tenther Radio

Tenther Radio

Tenther Radio Episode #108: Thank You!

July 17, 2013

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In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about another city in Kansas stepping up stop unconstitutional federal gun control, along with several local communities across the U.S. pledging support for the the Second Amendment. And there’s yet another standoff happening here in Nulli-fornia. Plus a great big thank you to all of our supporters.

Host: Michael Boldin.

Content Production: Mike Maharrey

Danke! Gracias! Thank you!

I could say it a million times in every known language and never come close to expressing my gratitude to you – the supporters of the Tenth Amendment Center.

You did an amazing thing last weekend. I was astonished. Floored. Amazed.

As you know, the Tenth Amendment Center does some pretty big work, but we are really a small organization. There isn’t any multi-million dollar endowment. No big corporate donors. No high profile sponsorships. We scrape by on about $50,000 per year. That’s pretty astonishing when you compare it with the $60 million budget over at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

So, when our summer fundraising campaign came up more than $3,000 short, that was major cause for concern. I’m not exaggerating when I say we were worried about the future viability of the Tenth Amendment Center. So, I threw up a Hail Mary. I set up a campaign and sent out an email asking for money. Basically, I laid it all out on the table.

Let me tell you, that was one of the hardest emails I’ve ever written. I basically bared my heart and soul for all to see. My hand trembled as I hit send. I don’t like asking for help. I certainly don’t like to beg. And quite frankly, my expectations weren’t high.  It was a humbling moment.

But not nearly as humbling as the response we received.

You came through  to the tune of $30,000 – plus!

In the blink of an eye, we went from pondering what it would mean to close the doors to planning projects we thought were completely out of reach.

I’m not going to lie. This isn’t easy work. Folks on the left fire away at us. Folks on the right lob rocks. We get called names. We get ridiculed. And sometimes we’re  just ignored. It’s easy to feel alone. But you reminded us that we are not alone – in a big way!

Like I said, it is really quite humbling to know so many people believe in us and what we are doing – believe in us enough to sacrifice hard-earned cash for the cause. This isn’t something we take lightly. We recognize the responsibility we have to be good stewards of what you’ve gifted us with. And we take that responsibility very seriously.

Let me share with you a few things we have in mind  moving forward.

I’m a long-term planner, and always think of the big picture rather than just now, now, now.  So I’ve had an informal plan of attack in case we ever got to a point where we had some additional funds on hand.  So, while I don’t yet have our next steps set in stone, I have some specific goals and ways to achieve them ready to go.

First, we want to reach more people. We will do this by upping our advertising budget from $400 to $1,000 per month.  We also plan to grow our part time outreach team so we can more effectively deal with folks on a personal level.

Second, we want to lay a solid foundation for the future. You won’t see any big spending sprees on  flashy projects that we can’t sustain in the long run. Whatever new projects we take on need to be things we can maintain over time.  That means one step at a time.  Well, thanks to your help, maybe we can take two steps this round!

Third, we have the opportunity to speed development of our activist toolkit. Short version?  We’re building something that will empower people to easily take action on both a state and local level – a viral nullification toolkit.  While we can’t yet afford the whole project right now, even with our recent boost, we could speed up the timeline and have some strong results.

You can read more about our plans at tenthamendmentcenter.com and even pitch in with your own ideas. We’re eager to hear them!

What’s our end-game?  Liberty.  In everything we’re doing now and in everything we’re considering doing in the future, the long-term goal is advancing liberty. In many ways, our path forward will look a lot like the path we’ve traveled the past seven years. In all we do, you’ll continue to see our firm commitment to principle: follow the Constitution every issue, every time, no exceptions no excuses!â€

Again, Thank you! I can’t say it enough. Thank you for your faith in us. Thank you for your commitment to us. Thank you for partnering with us for liberty!