Tech tAUk Reloaded

Tech tAUk Reloaded

Tech tAUk Reloaded #31: Welcome to Internet

May 02, 2014

So you think you know the internet? Everything you think you know could be about to change. Or maybe that’s just us being over-dramatic. But between browser vulnerabilities, internet fast lanes, net access fee double-dipping, and net neutrality rules, it’s a brave new world out there on the mesh. Far more than anyone could have predicted two decades ago, when a major media organization got “Internet” for the first time. We demystify all that and more on this week’s episode.

Our tech headlines this week:

Douglas debuts a new segment called “A Very Tiny Bit of Awesome,” in which he reads a released 1994 memo from NPR detailing the debut of their first internet network. And Josh offers a brief review of HBO’s Silicon Valley.

Episode Duration: 1:04:38

On This Episode: Douglas Bell and Josh Feldman

Download: Tech tAUk Reloaded #31 (31 MB MP3)