Tech tAUk Reloaded

Tech tAUk Reloaded

Tech tAUk Reloaded #30: Through the Looking-Glass

April 29, 2014

We can’t decide if hitting our 30th episode is an amazingly-special feat or not, so we roll with the punches anyway. At long last, we take a serious look at Google Glass, and look at a variety of rather interesting practices by certain tech companies.

Our tech headlines this week:

We turn to discuss Google Glass (“Yes, We’re Gonna Attempt to Take This Seriously” Edition), after Google Sold Its Explorer Edition of Glass for one day to interested beta testers with $1500 of disposable income. Josh had the chance to briefly try a Google Glass himself recently, and he shares his reactions.

But Google Glass still has some societal hurdles to deal with; a Google Glass user was attacked in San Francisco recently, specifically targeted because of wearing the Google Glass. Meanwhile, Google may be developing contact lenses with microcameras, which could represent a significant miniaturization of the Google Glass system.

Josh issues a FLUNK to General Mills, for insisting that if you “like” Cheerios on Facebook, you waive your right to sue them. Then in a Be Patient… This Gets Confusing segment, Douglas notes a Georgia Tech study of website Terms of Service agreements for social media services, which they found are written at the reading level of a college sophomore or higher.

Episode Duration: 1:07:38

On This Episode: Douglas Bell and Josh Feldman

Download: Tech tAUk Reloaded #30 (32.5 MB MP3)
