Technology in Human Services

Technology in Human Services

TiHS Episode 23: Carrie Moody & Dave Montague – 211, the essential service you don’t know enough about

November 20, 2020

Welcome to episode 23 of the Technology in Human Services podcast. In this conversation I speak with Dave Montague and Carrie Moody from Findhelp Information Services in Toronto. Among other things, they manage the 211 service in the Greater Toronto Area.

I think that 211 is still a relatively under known service and community gem and I wanted to talk to them to bring out some of the important work they do. In particular, 211 has become an essential service during the pandemic. So I asked them about the vast range of information services they provide through 211 and other work they do. We talked about the experience of running an essential service like 211 during the pandemic and what the future looks like.

211 is more than a phone line. It’s a website, text and web chat service. They manage and share open data. They engage in data partnerships, provide Information and Referral training, and are an important part of helping connect people to services and information they need where they live.

We also discussed what the importance of a service like 211 is in a world of misinformation and what others learn from them about information currency, reliability and accuracy.

We recorded this conversation in June. Since then, in October, 211 has gone national, available in very city and province across Canada.

Between March and August calls to 211 across the country increased by 31% and website visits to existing 211 services increased 45%. In the Greater Toronto Area, the top issues they’re being asked to help with include food security, community information, health and mental health supports, and housing help. As you’ll hear, they’ve been busy. I think you’ll find this an interesting and illuminating conversation.

Machine-Generated Transcript

What follows is an AI-generated transcript using The transcript has not been edited. It may contain errors and odd sentence breaks and is not a substitute for listening to the audio.

Marco Campana 0:00Welcome to Episode 23 of the technology and Human Services podcast. In this conversation, I’m speaking with Dave Montague and Kerri moody from find Health Information Services in Toronto. Among other things, they manage the 211 service in the Greater Toronto Area. I think the 211 is still a relatively unknown service and community gem and I wanted to talk to them to bring out some of the important work they do, in particular to one one has become an essential service during the pandemic. So I asked them about the vast range of information services they provide through 211 and other work they do. We talked about the experience of running an essential service like 211 during the pandemic and what the future looks like. Two on one is more than a phone line. It’s a website, text and web chat service. They manage and share open data they engage in data partnerships provide information and referral training, and are an important part of helping people connect to services and information they need where they live. We also discussed what the importance of a service like 211 is in a world of misinformation, and what others can learn from them about information currency, reliability, and accuracy. We recorded this conversation in June 2020. Since then, in October 211 has gone National vailable in every city and province across Canada, between March and August calls to 211. across the country increased by 31%. And website visits to existing two on one services increased by 45%. In the Greater Toronto Area, the top issues they’re being asked to help with include food security, community information,