

TechnoGrannyShow, If Under 55 These Images Will Never Dance in Your Head

February 02, 2015

If you are under 55, you might bust a gasket trying to figure some of these out. Techno Granny and the hilarious Nanny Granny, aka EmpressofBiz, JoAnn Forrester will talk about what it was like when they were yungins in vivid descriptions of stuff millenials and gen-Xers have probably never seen or heard of. Over 45 products and technologies to make you go, "What the......."" You can find the pictures and blog post at:| But do listen in we are sure it will be much more entertaining live.| Also if you are tired of explaining to your kids or granchildren about the dark ages pass this one on to them and also the blog. BTW, not an original idea, we got most of the ideas from a great blog