

TechnoGrannyShow, Stuff You Didn't Know Was Still on the Internet

January 26, 2015

Although the internet or World Wide Web has been around since 1980, it was only used by scientists and those in the academic world. It was between 1996 and 1998 that companies and institutions realized that web presence was no longer optional and the public began to "catch on" to this phenomenon. Before that early adopters were academic institutions and scientific communities.
So what happened to all of these old websites? Can you still find them on the web? Chances are you can but only because an organization called Internet Archive, which has the co-founder of Alexa in common, has archived these sites?|
From books to music and movies there is much to be found on the Internet Archives and the Wayback Machine from old movies, video clips and books to some of the original websites that early adopters used to browse. | And how about that old software? Won't it be cool when your kids can go online and figure out what all the fuss was about losing Microsoft XP?|
Did you ever think that the internet would have a walk down memory lane? Well it does. Listen in today to get an introduction to how to find "really old stuff" on the internet. The archives go back to 1999. That means your 17 year old can find out what you are talking about when you say "When I was growing up?"| and hey, she might not have to read a book to do it. I don't think even Al Gore envisioned that.