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techENT Tech & Tonic

Tech & Tonic S02 Episode 16 - E3 2021... Was a Little Underwhelming

June 21, 2021

E3 2021 happened last week and that was the biggest thing that happened in the week. We love gaming, of course we are going to talk about it. While we were excited about the event, it went a little underwhelming and a little under the radar for some reason.
E3 is back in the 2021 after the 2020 hiatus thanks to the COVID-19 global pandemic. In 2021 though the largest gaming conference in the world has gone completely digital and the announcements from various brands were made over live streams on YouTube. Sadly though, while it was more accessible, it was also a little on the underwhelming side. 
Sure, there were a few notable game launches and announcements made in the conference itself. Halo: Infinite was Xbox's big highlight, Razer launched a new gaming laptop that is also their first AMD powered rig alongside a 27-inch gaming display, Nintendo teased Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild 2 a little bit more, and the upcoming Senua's Saga: Hellblade II was quite notable. But other than those, everything else seems a little underwhelming.
To put it plainly, we expected more from E3. We wanted more in E3 2021, because 2020 and 2021 are the years where hunger for new games becomes bigger and a little more insatiable. So what else do we expect from E3? Listen in, find out.