Ep.0001 – How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse

October 28, 2014

If your biggest end-of-the-world fear is of the zombie apocalypse, you clearly haven't been paying attention to what is happening in technology. This week, the Center for a New American Security, an independent think tank focused on national security, released a report titled Robotics on the Battlefield Part II: The Coming Swarm (download the full report PDF.) In the report, they predict global spending on military robotics will reach an estimated $7.5 billion in 2018 and that militaries will deploy "swarms" of autonomous or semi-autonomous robots that will overwhelm enemy forces (robots and humans alike.) The report issues a stark warning: the US must embrace this new technology and the paradigm shift that fighting alongside robots will require or risk being vulnerable to other States that will adopt this mindset. Essentially, the robot arms race has already begun.

In this week's episode of The Tech and The Noob, our techs, Steve Francis and Jeff Behl and our Noob, Scott Barnett,  discuss How to Survive the Robot Apocalypse. Note: this episode was created prior to our being aware of CNAS's report, but it does cover much of the same ground. Download or stream the podcast episode.