Tech on Politics

Tech on Politics

Episode 4: Don Tapscott and Tom Serres Discuss, What's Next?

November 21, 2016

In the first episode since the election of Donald Trump in November 2016, politics and tech has never been more important. In fact, it’s the perfect time to reflect upon recent a somewhat controversial and surprising political event results to ask each other “What’s next?”

Tom reflects about the election results and shares his (both pre-and-post) election insights on what he believes the next government should be focussing on. Machine learning, advancements in technology, smart algorithms, and more.

If elections are never won on issues, but on values, how are emotions and values connected in the central role in human behaviour? Which core beliefs were voters acting on, when they turned out to vote. Instead of adding fuel to the country’s discontent, Tom calls on those to stop complaining and get to work helping people, and begin to understand where people’s anger is coming. He calls for a more collaborative discourse, not just in the USA, but as a global society.

Don Tapscott also joins Tom on Episode 4. He’s the author of 15 books including The Blockchain Revolution. Tom grills Don on his advice for the incoming government. With the Internet entering a second era—as an Internet of Value—will it now allows us to change every institution in society for the better? Tapscott calls on Blockchain technology to create government as an accountable and transparent platform.