Team Building Podcast

Team Building Podcast

The Key to Successful Real Estate Investing

October 22, 2020

Investing is a great addition to any real estate business. It offers an incredible amount of opportunities and opens the door to building wealth.

A lot of agents are hesitant to break into the space because they’re just not sure how to get started.

The truth is, there’s no one formula to being successful in real estate investing. It all comes down to our individual goals but there are some patterns we can learn from.

How can new investors enter the space successfully, and is there any way to avoid failure? Where should we be finding investment properties in the first place?

In this episode, co-owner of Dynamic Properties, Clint Bartlett joins an ERS coaching call where we dive into how we started a successful real estate investing business.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

- How to get into investing when we’re new to the space

Listening to podcasts and reading books is a great way to build knowledge on investing, and it can also give us the confidence to move forward. However, be mindful that each state has its own laws and check local regulations before putting anything into practice.

- How to get deals without competition

We wouldn’t go looking for leads in the same place as every other agent, and the same should apply to investment deals. Hunt for off-market deals to avoid competition and to see a larger return.

- How to get over the fear of failure

The fear of losing money is what holds most would-be investors back, but it shouldn’t be a barrier. Once we’ve lost money once, we’re unlikely to lose it the same way again. Go into deals with the intention of failing to learn important lessons for future deals.