Doctor Who: The TARDIS Tavern

Doctor Who: The TARDIS Tavern

Episode 162: DFW Whofest and an Evening with Mark Strickson

May 14, 2017

Seeing that the time had lapsed on those temporary restraining orders, we ventured outside our homes once again and attended another convention, DFW Whofest 4 in Dallas.  This episode we talk about some of our experiences with friends as well as guests at the convention, followed by a recording of the "TARDIS Tavern Live" in which we were permitted to spend an hour with Mark Strickson (he's the one who played Turlough during the Fifth Doctor era) under close supervision of hotel security.  Listen in as we wax nostalgic about the highs and lows of the weekend! Feel free to email us at, follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, and join our popular Facebook page!